Christer is telling the story of his enlightenment
“The first glimpse of the so called awakening to the truth happened when I was 14 years old. It stayed for a couple of weeks and then faded away. It came as a total surprise, I didn’t know anything about awakening at that time, but I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life finding out the truth of my life.
The guidance of people in individual and group sessions is all based on own discoveries of the truth.
It is actually not any me guiding people to the truth of their life in these sessions, it is the truth itself which is guiding seekers to itself, to see what life really is.”
But no truth was seen. Then I went into different kinds of therapy for a couple of years, believing that maybe something needs to be purified, released, in order to see the truth, but still no truth was seen. Next I was going into energy work for several years, going to India, but still no truth was seen.

After being with yet another teacher, assisting him for several years, going around the world, I finally ended up in Tiruvannamalai, in the south of India, sitting alone in total silence, in some kind of a meditation, for 18 months.
No books, no group meetings, no thinking about enlightenment and no teacher. But still no insights into the truth of life.
After 18 months, there was an extreme exhaustion and desperation arising, having tried to get it for 30 years without seeing any truth whatsoever. Then all practices stopped spontaneously, working with therapeutic issues stopped, no more suggestions how to proceed came, I just sat, everything just was as it was, no interfering with anything happened, not following any thought, doing absolutely nothing.

After 4 days in this state the truth showed itself, by itself, in a quite dramatic way. The one true being showed itself and there was a knowing that this is it. Unfathomable peace, extreme bliss and love came, freedom, relaxation, being – and it never went away. It was realized that the very practising for 30 years, reading all the books, going into therapy, thinking about enlightenment, had actually been postponing the awakening. And a lot of other insights into the mechanics of enlightenment arose.
However, this was not the end, this was only the beginning. After spending 18 more months in silence in Tiruvannamalai, I went to the Canary Islands to continue the discoveries, where another main discovery was made, seeing that all is actually one, there is no inside and outside.
And then later, back to India, third main discovery was made, seeing that there is no seeing really, there is only being. And that the true nature of being is love.
I began a meditation practice when I was 22 years old, and worked with a so called enlightened teacher during the coming years. I also studied the subject of enlightenment theoretically, reading a huge number of books and attending thousands of group meetings with enlightened teachers. I ended up writing a book on enlightenment as the PhD examination within the subject of philosophy at a Swedish university.
It just needs to be discovered, right here, right now
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